These are examples of Lake Malawi aquariums pulled off social media. Note that they are all heavily stocked. Heavy stocking is the key to keeping a good Lake Malawi aquarium.

This illustrates that Lake Malawi cichlids do best with very heavy stocking. Very heavy stocking reduces aggression. These aquariums all had very good filtration. If they didn’t the water would have been milky and the photos not very good.
All these aquariums will give the fish police absolute fits of hysteria. LOL
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Bobbie Hunton says
Thank you for your expertise. My Koi tank will never have koi. I’m a new cichlid hobbyist and I’m researching as much as possible for my 700 plus gallon tank ( built for koi) lol I know, now, to stop worrying and go for it. Peacocks, haps, Oscar’s and other tank mates are in my future. 😃 Take care